Monday, December 20, 2010

Who doesn't love a little Christmas poetry?!

T'was the week before Christmas
and despite skills adept,
Badger parents were busy-
still so much to be prepped!

"How December flew by,"
frazzled Molly declared,
"It's practically here now,
and we're not prepared!

"There are presents to wrap,
all those treats to bake, too!
Not to mention the yule-cards,
Oh dear, what shall we do?!

"The yule-cards, the yule-cards!"
her voice moaned with regret.
"It's a family tradition
that we've never missed yet!"

"I've a thought," quipped her husband,
"since we can't make the Post,
we could write them on Blogger-
they'll be read coast to coast!"

Blog our card? Molly wondered,
The idea was so new.
Still, she found herself smiling.
"Yes! Now that's what we'll do!"

So they sat themselves down,
Jotted notes in the "Den"
Reminiscing on mem'ries
of Two-Thousand and Ten:

Ry graduated from Brigham,
with a Bachelor's degree,
only just a few months
before Reesey turned three!

Then dear Ryan went scruffy
in those months b'fore the snow--
He rode horses, made teepees,
threw tomahawks like a pro.

Molly rounded out nicely
as she neared the big day
that sweet Sam came to join them,
Now two kids laugh and play!

What a year we have had,
filled with blessings and cheer.
But this poem's long-winded,
so we'll sum it up here--

We're happy, healthy, and thriving
Now bring on the New Year!

Wishing you love, peace, and happiness this Christmas Season!

All our Love,

Ryan, Molly, Reese, & Sam


Kathy Badger said...

What a great Christmas card!!! I loved it!! Have a very Merry Christmas! We love you:)

DeAnn said...

Very original and very enjoyable. Have a Merry Christmas. Wish I could eat some of your goodies! Love Gary & DeAnn

debby said...

love it! the always creative badgers. glad you had a good 2010.

Lemonpeel said...

LOVE it! you are so awesome molly, seriously what a FABULOUS poem! you are so darn talented! Love love love you guys, sooooo much!

Megan Smith said...

Very cute picture there of all you lil' Badgers and a fun poem as well! Christmas wishes happily received and returned back your way! Have a Merry Christmas!

v said...

I've read a few poems recently and I always think "How clever!" And I love yours! Happy Holidays! Hope it's awesome for your beautiful little family!

Megan said...

Blogger is the way to go. I should have done that. Saves $$. Haha. I love your poem too. We sure miss you guy! Merry Christmas!

Harper said...

I love this, Molly! It's awesome, and you are very clever and talented!

Merry Christmas!