Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Heaven help me, it happened again. . .

To those of you who were here for the Poopy Picasso chronicle you can breath a sigh of relief. Fortunately, today's headliner has nothing to do with poop or art. Phew. (Lol- The things you find yourself saying as a parent!) But I will tell you it's not the first time the following scenario has transpired--

While shopping in the produce aisle at our local grocery store, a sweet old woman squeezed passed us to scoop up a handful of green beans and plop them into her plastic sack. She was a little hunched, her features defined and pointed from age, and there may or may not have been a large mole dangling from her chin. I won't comment on the likelyhood of hairs sprouting from the alleged mole, but sufficeth to say I can understand where Reese was coming from when she screamed, in a voice of sheer delight the whole world could hear,

"Mommy, it's a WITCH!"

What to do, what to do.

How was I going to explain to this poor woman that in Reese-speak this was the ultimate compliment?! We watch Sleeping Beauty and the Frog Princess not for pretty girls and dresses, but the dragon and a freaky voodoo man! Despite my repeated attempts to change her mind, Disney villains remain the folks she loves and looks up to the very most; they laugh so much and seem to be having such a great time, how could anyone not want to hang with them? They're the real popular crowd, though momentarily misunderstood. I think she's decided that what they really need is a good friend. I know, I know. Very foreboding for the teenage years.

Anyway, maybe it's because this has happened before and I try to learn from my mistakes, but I could see just how badly this explanation could go and decided it was far better to back away from the spinach and make a run for it. Even if the poor woman did buy it, managing to not take offense at being mistaken for an evil hag, I didn't want to be that mom, the one who fed her child a steady diet of cackles and deception. So I ran away- I'm not really the confrontational type.

Besides, I'd rather eat frozen peas for dinner anyway.


Lemonpeel said...

LOL! good heavens molly! let me catch my breath here... SO FUNNY! Man Reese is just a hoot! not to mention that your writing style is a real gem - a GEM.

love you, thanks for the guffaws, it's been a long day. :)

v said...

She KILLS me.... lately I've been spending my lunch time reading blogs... and this has made my day. Thanks for the delightful post!

Harper said...

This is awesome! Reese is a crack-up! I think I would have done the same thing you did, which was making a good run for it.

This post made my day!

Kathy Badger said...

You crack me up! Despite the fact that you may not know who I am talking about...I encourage you to keep on writing about your everyday adventures, because you are definatly the Erma Bombeck of the 21st Century! (One of my mom's favorite writers:)