Thursday, December 30, 2010

11 Things I Don't Need in 2011

Here is my unconventional list of New Years Resolutions. Since I seem to over-plan and over-goal myself each year, maybe by doing the opposite- coming up with things to eliminate rather than add- will bring me better luck. Also, I really like the idea of it- it feels a little like de-cluttering the junk drawer or cleaning out the crisper- getting rid of a few things makes everything better! Here goes--

1. Being Too Busy To Play - Maybe its the fact that Reese is a new Sunbeam, but I'm suddenly realizing that if I close my eyes too long my family will be all grown up before I know it. Nothing on my to-do list is more important than hanging out and spending time with my hubby and our kids. So this year I'm going to let 'the list' slide more often and be spontaneous instead.

2. Stress - I guess this goes along with the first one, but I definitely want a year filled with less stress. Some things can't be helped, and I'm going to ignore my instinct to stew over those, but I'm also going to find more humor in the stresses I do have a say over, and then let them go.

3. Clutter - Everything has a place, and yet, somehow, tiny gremlins come out at night to create all sorts of piles throughout my house! :) Seriously, though. I love organization, so my goal is to find a system that actually works with a crazy lifestyle and kids. (Any who are reading this and have something that works, I would LOVE your input!)

4. Judging Before I Know Someone - Over the last few years I seem to be learning the same lesson over and over and over and. . . well, you get the idea. Despite the old adage, I am almost always wrong in my first impressions of people, so this year I am going to avoid jumping to conclusions before I really get to know someone.

5. Skipping Reading the Scriptures - This is one of those things I know I need to do, I know it makes my day better, strengthens my testimony, and improves my relationship both with my Heavenly Father and everyone else in my life, yet I still put it off. No more!

6. Emotional Eating - Who doesn't do this at one time or another? I blame my days as a missionary in Paris (bad day= patisserie). :) But if I want to lose this baby weight I need to learn some self control- parenthood offers way too many 'deserved' pastries! ;)

7. Sugar - Now, being the baking/pastry-loving girl that I am, there is no way I will be banishing sugar completely. However, I definitely need to cut back on the sweets we keep at our house. If I get the itch to bake, I'm plating it up and making a visit to the neighbors.

8. Waiting for the Bluebird of Happiness - We all know what this is, even if we call it by a different name. I'm tired of telling myself, "I'll be happy when. . . Ryan's out of school. . . we have a house. . . I fit into that size, etc." I'm going to make an active effort to live in the now and LOVE it- every day!

9. Unnecessary Debt - Being that we're still students and will be for a while longer in order to get a good job, we won't be completely debt-free for a little while. But this year we're going to make every effort to get out of all the debt we can, and avoid adding more for things we really don't need.

10. Saying No - There are lots of things that are great to say no to (drugs come to mind), but far too often I find myself declining or not going to something because I get scared and shy. But I end up missing out on so much- new friends, fun times, etc. I want to get out of my comfort zone more this year.

11. Store-bought Bread - Over the last few months I've found several awesome bread recipes- wheat, multi-grain, white. The fact that they taste so much better than store-bought, are healthier, and cost pennies to make myself has inspired me to set aside time each week to bake our own bread this year.


Eeva said...

Hey, I think someone should share their awesome bread recipes! I'm always on the lookout for new, better ones! Great list though. I could apply all these things to my life, especially the sugar one...

Molly said...

Done and done. Hopefully I'll get them up on the Bring It On Bakeshop link in the next few days!

v said...

I love your list! I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy and love the "now". Sometimes, I choose to stay up late to make time stretch with Jane, Vance, and school responsibilities. I've always thought, "that molly! she is so perceptive about what's important!" And i'm serous. Thanks for sharing.

Kathy Badger said...

You are the girl I always stived to be and never quite got there:)
You are an inspiration! I will pray you reach those perfect goals this year & every year! Consistancy has always been my stubling block:(

Kara said...

I have a lot of the same goals this year. I started reading your list and was surprised at how similar mine is. You can do it. Love and miss you!!

Erin Leigh said...

ditto to everything! i'll just copy and paste your goals to my goal list this year. sure wish we lived closer so we could do some of this (or not do, really) together. that would be fun!! :)