Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So Happy Together!

Reese loves Sam. . .
Sam loves Reese. . .

Sounds like the beginning of a primary song, right? Well, it's true. On the days that we're not
chasing a giggling, naked three-year-old through the house,
saving Sam from being smothered with love,
searching for earplugs to drown out the 69th encore performance of Hairspray that morning
giving up and deciding that Reese actually will end up the only teen wearing pull-ups at the prom. . .

We are, indeed, a happy fam-i-ly!

And here's the proof:

Though Sam looks a little stunned in this pic, he is seriously in love with Reese. As soon as he hears her voice he grins.

You know what they say, the family that naps together, er. . . stays together.

Yep. We like sleep around here.

Hangin' out on the 'green bed' as Reese has affectionately dubbed it. Are we all seeing just how chunky Sam has gotten?! 14 lb 5 oz at his 2 month appointment, people.

How could I not include this shot- it's just so Reese!

And finally, here we are at what is possibly my FAVORITE shot of the two of them. Sam's face just totally cracks me up- if he were older, and knew how, I'd say he was mocking Reese's forced 'picture smiles'.

Oh how I love these two little munchkins- even though I feel like pulling my hair out or leaving the country at the moment. We're making our way through that charming time inevitably following a family visit when life gets back to normal and the kids realize the scads of people waiting in line to cuddle them and tell them they're cute every minute of every day are gone. Chez nous, we call it De-tox Week.

I love my children, I love my children, I love my children. . . ;)


@lliE from FreshlyCompleted said...

I was thinking he looked mighty big. 14 pounds? Wow.

Such cuties!

Kathy Badger said...

I LOVE them too!!!! I think I am the one having de-tox!! Can't stand not hugging them;)

Lemonpeel said...

OOOOh my goodness!! I cannot wait to squish them this weekend! such cute pictures MOll!! Ugh, they are so stinkin' cute!

v said...

Okay, so I found your blog, via your post with Melese! Your family is so stinking cute. Reese absolutely kills me! It makes me not so sad when Jane grows up because there really is just great things to come! Your little boy is handsome! So, I don't know how busy you are doing Christmas break, but I'd love to come see you... maybe lunch?? let me know...