Saturday, August 22, 2009

So Long, Sweet Summer

I can't believe that the summer is pretty much over and done. Here we are packing again, and Ryan is wrapping up his last week at a job he loves more than any other in his entire life. When he came home for lunch today I asked him how his day was so far, and what he had planned for the rest of the afternoon. It was like talking to a really cute five-year-old.

"Well, this morning I dressed up like Lewis, 'cause we had these really cool costumes. No real reason, just, you know, . . . because. And this afternoon, let me see. . . I think I'm going to make some rope and catch some crawdads." His eyes twinkled on the last word.

I giggled out loud, I couldn't help it. No wonder it's his favorite job in the world- it's like getting paid to play cowboys and indians! :)

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