Friday, November 11, 2011

Storm a'brewin'

Last night Ryan and I went out on a real, live DATE to see a production of Shakespeare's The Tempest by the Actors from the London Stage on campus. 

It. Was. Phenomenal.

Background- the only  production I'd seen of this particular play was my own back in middle school (I played Sebastian, by the way), and as you can imagine the caliber was. . . er, lower.   Make that, much lower.  I had never counted The Tempest as one of my favorites, but these actors were seriously AMAZING, and it's climbed up near the top.  They did the entire thing with only five actors and no set but a small piece of stage and a few props.  Their talent blew us away; it was incredibly moving and then, in the next moment, made us weep with laughter.  

I absolutely LOVE that I married a man who will revel with me in my love (obsession?) for Shakespeare and all things literary.  That's when you know you're with "the right one"- when you can both be unabashed nerds together.  By evening's end, we were giddy with plans to attend the Shakespeare festival, the Globe theater in London, and even become actors ourselves.
It was that good.

So, if you're ever in a vicinity to see this INCREDIBLE company, do it.  You'll love every minute.

Yay for dating and nerdiness and standing ovations so well-earned.

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