Friday, February 11, 2011

"Hooooo's" the cutest treat in town?

That would have to be this little guy,

cutie, chocolate cake pop owl.

I'm teaching a Community Ed class on cake decorating right now, and last night we explored the wonderful world of Cake Pops.

And that opened up the equally wonderful world of Owl Valentine puns and phrases,

'Hoooo' loves you, baby?
'Owl' be yours!
'Hoooo' wants to be your Valentine? I 'dooooo'!

I love my class! We dipped, we laughed, we munched and chatted.
It was a hoot!

Oh come on, you had to know that was coming. :)

Happy Almost-Valentine's Day Everyone!!!


v said...

Molly you kill me, I remember other puns you used back in the day. By the way, I love the collage you have on the first part of you blog. Your family is so beautiful!

Lemonpeel said...

I am DYING! Those are so freaking cute! love them :) and you of course.