Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sammy the Kid

Sam has become quite the little cowboy lately- mostly due to his undying love 
for Woody and the rest of the Roundup Gang;
yee-haw is a vocabulary staple at our house, and anything that stands still long enough 
will eventually become a bucking bronco.

So when, while visiting family this weekend, Grammy got him a cowboy hat 
it would be an understatement to say he was thrilled.

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day the kids and I took a trip up to Pocatello to spend the weekend with the Badgers.  
So many cemeteries, so little time. :)

But seriously, we had a great time visiting with everyone,
getting royally whupped in Nertz by Aubrey
and, of course, 
eating so much we weren't sure we'd make it through the door to go home.

Anyone else feeling a little flashback to Pocahantas on this last one?

"You've got to help me, Grandmother Willow. . ."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Violet Chrysanthemums

I always get that spelling bee scene from Anne of Green Gables running through my mind whenever I write out chrysanthemum, complete with the smug look she shoots Gil once she's done.  Love!

Anyway, I wanted to show you the goods from the catering job I had last night, 
and where better to be a total show-off than my own blog? ;)

A gorgeous wedding in violet and royal purple, 
a bride and groom that were pure joy to work with, 
and more fun than I've had in a while with a cake design.

For more pics and flavor details, check out my business blog,

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bless her little carsick soul!

This weekend was one for the journal.  The kids and I took Ryan up to Great Falls to start his new job, and oh-so-much happened that I hardly know where to start.

First of all, let me just say that for all that Ry and I think we're super-tough people, saying goodbye for what we're pretty sure will be about 3 weeks was just about the WORST thing ever to occur.  To some of you I'm sure we sound like babies, but I don't even care.  It was awful!  So much weeping (meaning, uh. . . just me, not a bit of Ryan mixed in there. . . at all), and lingering, and to top it all off I had to leave him at a century-old Catholic school run by nuns where he, being a guy, was banished to the west wing and a tiny cell of a room with nothing but a 70's afghan-covered bed, a large crucifix hanging behind the door, and a gold-leafed bible.

We would never have made it in the 1800's.  All those men leaving their families to make a life out West before sending for the wife and kids?  I'm fairly certain I would have voted for living in squallor over months' separation and a few extra acres.

Anyway.  The trip up from my parents' that morning was a little over four hours, and so, after brushing off my tears, Reese's questions of what in the world happened to put me in such a state, and almost scraping off our bumper leaving the convent, we turned right around and started back for Island Park. 

A few hours into the trip back, through VERY windy mountain roads I should add, Reese started to complain about a stomach ache.  Ry and I'd just been raving about what a great traveller she is over the trip so I turned the fan on, rolled down her window in spurts, and did the mom thing- "You're fine!  Breathe in that cool air- now don't you feel better?!"  It was all very upbeat and perky.

After a few minutes I heard a strange sound in the back and looked back to see Reese with her cheeks all puffed out, staring at me wide-eyed.  Now before I tell you the next part and I look like a terrible parent, I want to mention that Reese frequently takes a drink of water and just holds it in her cheeks for a few minutes before swallowing.  That said, when I saw her I offhandedly told her, "Reese, swallow it down, babe."   The look on her face was priceless:  her large eyes opened even wider, her lips pursed a little tighter, and she looked panicked as she emphatically shook her head No!  That's when I noticed her complexion had a certain green hue. 


"Just hold it for a minute sweetie!  We'll pull over. . .Mommy's got this! "  I was still playing the perky card, but there was an edge of panic to it now.

Fortunately we were just passing through a small town and I was able to park in the next few minutes- and she did it!  The sweet little dear sat there patiently, her cheeks bulging, until I opened the door and guided her to a parking lot gravel patch where she spit, swished some water, spit again and said,

"Thanks so much Mommy for helping me spit it out!"

I laughed and asked did she felt alright?  She responded,

"Yep.  I'm brave, Mommy.  I'm pretty brave."

Yes you are, my blessed girl!  Alas,if only I'd learned my lesson; an hour later the same complaints started afresh, but, being so close to the Idaho border, the temptation to just push on and be done already with the driving bulldozed my common sense.

Despite the rolled down window, the second and third eruptions nailed the backseat.

Apparently I haven't earned my Wise Mommy merit badge quite yet.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's a big sister for?

Sam was sad this morning when he woke up, and before we knew it we had two extra bodies in our bed.
The whining continued, and Reese took it from there,

"Whassa matter, Sammy?  You saaaad?" she cooed in her best sing-song-y mommy voice.

More whining.

"Did you have a monster in your bed?"

Pause, and blank stare from Sam.

Whispered loudly and urgently, "Say yes!"

blank stare.

"Oh, yep, looks like he had a monster in his bed!"  She shouted joyfully.  She noticed the room was quiet, and maybe she thought Sam looked concerned, because she stroked his hair, and followed up with,

"Maybe it was a pretend monster."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Walkin' Thru the Zoo

Today we took a walk through the zoo (anyone else got a song from Signing Time in their head right now?), 
had a wonderful time!
I'm constantly amazed at just how smart my kids are and what killer memories they have 
when it comes to animals.  
Willow Park Zoo isn't big, but its the sort of place where everybody knows your name. . . 
or at least Reese knows your name, and if she doesn't, will assign one to you.

No visit it complete without a 'howling' moment at the coyote house-
or kie-dee-yo-dee house, as Reese pronounces it. 

Reese gave us her best impression of a monkey. . . 
or a macaw. . . 
or maybe it was both.

This is the newly-named Evan.
Reese went tearing through the zoo,
anxious to see this guy, 
yelling his name at the top of her lungs.
Only thing was, I'm pretty sure he didn't have a clue he was supposed 
to respond since she decided on his name about five seconds earlier.

 And this is a turtle that was good enough
to let me snap several pictures of him before crawling away.
Hmm. . . 
It occurs to me that this post may appear as though we're a bit turtle/tortoise crazy.

Well, they are very nice little animals .

A [little] man with a mission!

I really love this animal-crazy bunch!

And now, since I know you're dying to sing along,
here's the link to the Signing Time gang 

You'll be humming it for days.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Melt My Heart

We spent Mothers' Day down in Provo with family (more on that later), where Reese produced this little work of art after attending Primary at my sister's ward-

My favorite?
'my mom is as beautiful as: love'

I also happen to get a huge kick out of her 'my mom loves me because: I love to make a cake'
It makes me smile every time I read it.

How I love that darling girl of mine-
And the sweetheart boy who decided to leave his page blank!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Heart Chickens

It's day two of chicken and kitty sitting for a friend, and I am so completely in love with everything to be seen on her little 'farm'- but especially her chickens!  I'll introduce them in a minute, but first, here's a little ambiance for you . . . 

This is Miss Cheepypants.
With a name like that, how could I not make her my instant favorite?!

And here she is with a few of her friends, Helga, Gretchen, and Red Riding Hood.
 Just hanging out in the coop, 
away from the other chickens who aren't quite as cool as they are.

Today, I want a farm,
and I sorta want Miss Cheepypants. . .  but that would be stealing and wrong, 
and bad friend behavior.
So for now I'll settle for visiting again tomorrow, and maybe we'll bring a picnic basket this time
filled with cookies made with brown speckled eggs.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

'Where are your rebel friends NOW?!'

Coming into the living room this afternoon, this is what I see:

Sam laying on the floor, straddled by Reese who has his arms pinned and is shouting in her theatrical, project-to-the-back-row voice,

'Where are they?!  
Where did you take Rapunzel?  
Where's Cinderella?'

'Reese!" I call, "What in the world are you doing?!'

She looks up innocently, and calmly replies,
'I'm just making him tell the truth.'