Sunday, June 7, 2009


After hearing so much about Pixar's new movie, "Up" we decided the rainy weather made yesterday a perfect movie day. We hit the matinee and found ourselves in the midst of about 10 or 12 birthday parties. Finding seats was tough, but having little kids all around us was great-peals of kiddie laughter filled the air- especially through the preview of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and watching everything through 3D glasses made it even more fun.

It was a fantastic movie- different from others they've done before in that the story is just. . .a beautifully touching thing. I was wiping away tears before we'd even made it thirty minutes into the show. I know, I'm a baby, but it was so good. And really funny too- Reese loved it and we heard her giggle all the way through. We give it two thumbs way up! (No pun intended there)

As the movie wrapped up and the credits started to roll, I felt a warmth starting to spread through me. It was definitely a happy ending, and a sweet storyline, but that wasn't what I was feeling. This kind of warmth came from something else entirely. Her name is Reese, and I guess in our rush to get there before the movie started, neglecting to change her diaper was a bad decision since this particular warmth was slowly spreading to cover my entire lap.


Erin Leigh said...

okay i TOTALLY cried at this movie. i just loved that relationship with the old guy and his wife. so cute! i definitely give it 2 thumbs up as well but also feel lucky not to have had the "warm" experience you had :)

Megan Smith said...

You can get Reese to sit through a whole movie?!! Seriously? I can't get Nathan to sit and watch anything on TV, I tried an Elmo video the other day and he lasted barely 2 minutes.

"Ewwww" on the end of movie surprise for you. Hopefully it was easy to hide as you rushed to get out of there.

Tyler said...

We loved this movie, too. I was crying from the beginning of the movie, so I guess I'm a baby right there with you!

Reese cracks me up ... and you are very good-natured about her "accidents." :)

Tyler said...

P.S. This is Terrah. I guess Tyler is signed in to the blog.

Oh, and he cried in UP, too. :)