Friday, May 21, 2010

It's a . . .

I don't know how it's possible that we have totally forgotten to post the news of our ultrasound last week!! Maybe it was the craziness of our move to Logan that did it. Hmm. Anyway, are you ready? We're having a . . .


Besides needing to duck to miss the buttons flying off Ryan's shirt from an overwhelming sense of pride by producing a boy,

(little aside here- aren't guys are SO funny about that! I don't really recall thinking to myself with Reese, "Yep. That's right, we're having a girl. Who's having a girl? That would be ME. U-huh. Because, ahem, I'm cool.")

I've been thrilled to discover that I actually DO have motherly intuition! Cause I knew it. :) That didn't happen with Reese. Wahoo!!

So yay for boys- especially ours. :) Arriving in September.


@lliE from FreshlyCompleted said...

Hooray! Congrats! Looks at us, doing the gender swap with these September babies. You're going to love your boy. However, I must warn your changing that diaper is gonna take some getting used to.

...Oh, and we want updates on the move to Logan. What's up? Where do you live? Are you liking it?

Molly said...

Updates are a-comin' I promise. Whew, it's been a little nuts around here. :) But things are great, and I'll be sure to go into detail soon!

PS- I've actually already thought about the diaper changing thing. Lol. Yikes! :)

Dan said...

Congrats on having a boy! They are so fun! I am excited that you are in Logan. I love that town! You have to go to Cafe Sabor for me.

megan... said...

Congrats! I've heard boys are all the rage these days :) How did I miss this whole detail about moving to Logan??

Lemonpeel said...

molly you are seriously the most hilarious writer i know. write a book, an article or something!!! I almost died laughing at the buttons popping off of Ryan's shirt because of his boy producing abilities! SO FUNNY! ps so excited for our garden party :)

Megan Smith said...

Yay! Congrats! Very exciting news!!

Sheri said...
