Friday, September 19, 2008

Sweet Fuzzy Lovin'

For the last few weeks Reese has been a stuffed-animal-lovin' fool. Any stuffed animal, anywhere, qualifies for some serious lovin' and the lucky ones get kissed and patted heartily. Funny thing, the other day I handed her the baby doll her Aunt Britney gave her, and she just held it out from her and looked at it, then at me like,

"Um. . .this isn't fuzzy. What am I supposed to do with it?"

I grabbed it and showed her how to give it loves, and this look of recognition came across her face, "Oh, I get it! It's an animal that lost its fur!"

She took it in her arms, lovingly rubbed it against her face, and smacked it soundly on the back.

Things should definitely be interesting when someday we bring another one of the 'fuzz-less animals' home from the hospital to stay. Hmm. Yeah, that should be an adjustment. :)

A while ago my sister Meg sent us a bunch of clothes that Annalee had grown out of for Reese to wear. Inside the box was a pair of fuzzy, purple, animal slippers (puppy? kitten?bobcat? I just don't know). For any Bones fans out there, do you remember last season when they took care of a baby, and Bones picks up the toy and goes, "And just so you know, this is wrong. Elephants aren't purple." Ha. I liked that part.

Anyway, they're still too big for Reese, but today, in a hurry to get Ry to school on time, we threw them on her feet. We soon found her in the back seat cuddling with them both. She'd pulled them off her feet and pressed their little faces up to her cheek and sighed and patted them on what would have been their backs if slipper animals had them. We got a great laugh out of it. The funny part is that we have yet to keep them on her feet- I tried again this afternoon, she did the same thing, and even planted a wet one on one of the mystery animal's nose.

I'm putting the video I took of her walking in them- right before she pulled them off- even though I turned the camera on its side not realizing that I wouldn't be able to flip the video. However, it is well worth tilting your head to watch because she walks like some cartoon character with ginormous (how do you spell that?!) shoes. Its great!

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