Friday, July 11, 2008

It's ok, it's just fiber

Anyone seen that Orbit commercial where the girl is mad at her boyfriend so she tears everything he owns to shreds- with her teeth? I saw it last night and remember thinking it was weird, that was until today when Reese went on a rampage and I realized it was terribly parallel to my life. Cupcake wrappers dug out of the drawer, diapers (thank heavens they were the clean ones), a stack of papers, and then, the one that made me laugh- several of those little reply cards you find in magazines, each with a giant soggy hole in the middle. Did I give birth to a goat and just not notice? I do recall thinking her shoulders were a little fuzzy when she was born. :)

A little note here- these pictures are from about a week ago when she decided to sample some tree bark. Doesn't seem to taste too good, but that doesn't stop our girl!


Melese & Kyle said...

Haha, those pictures are adorable! Sheesh, I think it's safe to say that Reese is ridiculously adorable - bark or no bark. =)

@lliE from FreshlyCompleted said...

Molly, You're in BIG might have mentioned you had a blog (I found this through Melese).

But, welcome anyway and keep us posted.

Megan Smith said...

Yay! It's my sweetheart niece named Reese!

You did great getting this up Molly! I'm late getting to see it with all the crazyness of this last week. I'm very happy that now I'll get to see you and you're cute threesome more often--atleast virtually!

Megan Smith said...

BTW--I found this though Melese too. Is she the only one who got the news??