Friday, March 19, 2010

Little Things

One of the things I love the most about being the mom of an almost 3-year-old is that the things I've seen for years and thought were 'old hat' are suddenly brand new and positively thrilling.

Case in Point: Since Reese was so good at the store today I told her she could pick out a treat. After pacing up and down the candy aisle for several minutes she settled on a Toy Story Pez Dispenser of Rex, the Dinosaur. She proudly and excitedly carried it to the cashier and out to the car. When we got inside I put a packet of little purple candies inside and handed it back to her, showing how his head popped back to push one out. Her eyes lit up and she happily munched it.

I pulled out of the parking lot, and heard her exclamation from the back seat a few minutes later:

"Mommy! There are MORE candies in the dinosaur!!! More, and more, and MORE candies in the DINOSAUR!!!" I busted up laughing.

Isn't it funny how much we take for granted, and how we think only the big things will make us truly happy as we get older? Thank heavens for kids and Pez dispensers that can still get me to laugh and love life when I'm feeling sick or the skies are gray or the future is unsure!


Erin said...

I love that kids bring us back to the "good ol' days." Caleb and claire both LOVE to watch donald duck, chipmunk adventure (my favorite movie as a kid), and I secretly love it when they want to by ring pops, laffy taffy's or anything from when I was a kid.

And I LOVE the pictures of Reese for the olympics. I forgot I had already looked at those pictures and never got a chance to tell you guys congrats on the new baby coming. That is so exciting!

Harper said...

That is a great story, Molly! Reese is so cute, and I love her innocent observations. Little kids are awesome for reminding us what's truly important, eh?

And for the record, I have a fear of Pez dispensers. I got my fingers pinched in one when I was about Reese's age, and I still carry the psychological scars!