Does it mean you're a bad mother if your child refuses to pray?
Ok, don't answer that.
But seriously, Ryan and I finally ended up in a fit of laughter the other night because we often hear these adorable stories of kids muttering their own sweet little prayers at the sage age of six months or informing busy parents of the true meaning of life when they hit age three. And then there's Reese, who has always been her own little person from the very start. Before dinner last night-like every other night- she had this discussion with Ryan--
"Good job folding your arms, Reesey. Would you like to say the prayer?"
"Daddy can help you. . ."
"But why don't we just--"
"No No NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Shaking her head, and waggling her finger in Daddy's face. Fortunately, once Daddy suggested Mommy say it, she smiled like a little angel and promptly folded her arms.
I swear we're good people! All I can figure is she's just a very sweet, very spunky, I'm-doing-it-'cause-I-want-to-not-because-you-told-me-to kind of girl.
Parenthood just never plays out like you think it will.
Weekly- 10/27/24
2 months ago
If it makes you feel better at our house we all hold hands for family prayer and still Nathan has not decided to join us in holding hands. And of course he doesn't pray because he's just now getting word combinations down, he's not the talker that Reese is. But don't push it, you don't want anything but good feelings and she'll come around when she'd ready.
Asher refused to pray for the longest time. He's warming up to it but it's an on and off-again thing. You're not bad parents! Or... if you are then we are too... :/
Hi Molly, this is Molly Hunter from BYU 171st ward. I have a random question for you. Do you remember making cloth decorative Christmas trees for an enrichment activity last year? It was a stick that had strips of cloth tied onto it to make it look like a cute Christmas trees. Do you remember or know how to make those? I am wanting to make them again this year, and I thought I saved the directions from that activity, but I lost it. If you happen to know how to make those or know of someone who does, could you send that along to me? Either email me ( or you can comment on my blog, or here, or whatever. Thanks Molly!!
tooootally not a bad parent! :o)
I hope we get to have another playdate sooner than later, that was so fun to see you!
With such a a strong will like she has, she MUST have fought very hard in the war in Heaven:) Not only are you great parents, She is a very valiant child who demands her right to choose!! Just make everything about "choices." "Do you want to set on the couch or kneel down while YOU pray"'s all good! :)
Hey Molly-
I would LOVE if you could scan and send that to me. Erin was the one who did it, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind, I would really appreciate it:) Thanks!
Molly Hunter
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