Friday, October 22, 2010

Cue the Colic

I can't believe our little Sam is a whole month old today! Time has seriously flown by as we've been caught up in the whirlwind called having two kids. Adorable little sweeties that make our hearts melt on a daily basis. Ooh, little aside here, I am planning on writing a post about our Hypnobaby birth, I promise! I know there are a few of you who have asked about it and are interested in knowing how it went. It's been one of those things nagging me in the back of my mind for several weeks, but I've been a touch busy, so it might be a little longer, however I will definitely get it up here soon. Anyway.

One of those things that have been keeping me incredibly busy was given away by the title up there. Yep, we're getting our first dose of a colicky baby. We lucked out with Reese and thought, hey, wouldn't that stink to have a baby that cried like crazy? Those poor parents of babies with colic! Alas, we've joined the ranks, walking the floor and running the vacuum for hours at a time just like the rest of you. I'm sure our neighbors must think we've become over-night obsessive compulsive clean freaks - no offense to those of you who actually are ocd clean freaks (wink!). Oh well, there are worse things, I guess. Like perhaps the sound of the giant dog upstairs running across the kitchen to fetch his ball in the wee hours of the morning- 'clickety, clickety, clickety, sliiiiiiiide. . . thud!' Oi.

Jump with me now to something deeper. Do you ever feel the need to reclaim yourself? I don't know about the rest of you, but when things change I find myself feeling momentarily lost and wondering who I am in the new role I'm living. I was thinking about it today, thinking about the things that make me feel the most 'Molly'. Things that are yellow, really good books, writing funny incidents on tiny scraps of paper to remember later, and cooking. There's more, but, well. . . it's always been cooking.

It is somehow incredibly soothing to realize that despite the crazy tornado of life changes and frustrations spinning out of control around me I'm really the same as I always was inside. It's grounding. Like, maybe, if I can remain who I am and what I love despite the tidal wave of outside influence, then I have more control over my life and its contents than I ever considered. Throwing myself into some sort of culinary obsession has always been the ultimate calming influence when the stressfulness of life seems too much to bear, and honestly, there's been a lot of that lately. And so, needless to say, there has been quite a lot of late-night activity in the kitchen this week as well.

On that note, if you're in a baking mood yourself, check out a my latest bunch of recipes, experimentations, and other discoveries that are way to good not to share on a new blog. It's just me, doing what soothes me most, and sending the results out into cyberspace.


debby said...

diane was colicky too, until i cut dairy out of my diet. not a fun few months. but much better for the colic. good luck getting through it!

Erin Leigh said...

hey, i'm beginning to wonder if olive is colicky as well. she can be so fussy when she's awake and really fights the sleep even though we know she's tired. we have to go on long drives to get her to sleep sometimes in the middle of the night. she just screams and cries. is this colic? i don't know but maybe i should try debby's thing and cut the dairy - yikes! that will be the pits!!!

it's been an adjustment with two for sure hasn't it? getting out of the house to run a simple errand is near impossible now. right?

Molly said...

Funny you should mention that- I've cut out dairy as of yesterday and I'm already missing it! :) Yikes! And I totally agree on the adjustment of two- great most of the time with the occasional 'what were we thinking?!' Mostly when loading and unloading the car for errands. :)

Gotta say, I so miss being next door to all of our old friends from the ward, somehow it was fun going through all of these things together- something about the buddy system. ;)