Friday, September 17, 2010

Her people

I think I've mentioned before how much of a crazy Disney fan Reese has become- Disney-quoting fiend is more like it! She's always loved Pocahantas and sings "Just around the River Bend" with passionate gusto on a daily basis.

Usually bedtime brings with it a string of protests and "Oh, I just need. . .(a drink, a snack, etc.)". But the other night, as I closed the door her last plea was this--

"But Mom, I want to help my people!"

Thank you, Pocahantas. We'll put minority rights on the top of the list for tomorrow morning. :)


Lemonpeel said...

hahaha! I love this, so stinkin' funny!! :) ps, when is that little sam coming? I've been thinking about him ever since you left :)

Harper said...

That is hilarious!