Thursday, June 18, 2009


We totally caved.

Reese got to stay up an extra hour with us. I just couldn't put her back until the little hyperventilaty sniffles had completely passed.

The smart little stinkpot.


Melese & Kyle said...

Haha! That's super funny. Although, thinking on it, I'm sure I would have done the exact same thing. I'm sure though, since you used to experience the same hyperventilation it was even worse :)

Yeah, the zucchini are growing like crazy. We checked on them yesterday and laughed at ourselves - we've got about seven healthy plants growing... it's going to be a summer of squash. :) How's your stuff doing? Reese still dancing on them?

Steph Wardle said...

ooohh she's soo stinking cute! i can just picture it! you need to put her into drama type stuff when she gets older! ps- we miss you guys!