Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We just put Reese to bed. It's normal for her to cry for a few minutes before settling down since it's still light outside and she feels like she got put to bed early, but tonight through the tears and sobs we hear,

"Mommy, Daddy. . . I love you! I LOVE you!"

Normally it doesn't bother me 'cause I know she's tired, but I feel like the meanest person in the world right now.

1 comment:

Lemonpeel said...

Haha, Oh No! Man, either she is completely unaware of the fact that a line like that breaks hearts... or she's real tricky and she's found a button to press ;) Ps you're totally NOT a bad person, you just happen to be the person enforcing the sleeping law. It's a tough job, and utterly thankless - but she'll be all chipper in the morning and have forgotten all about it :) ....since I'm a well seasoned mom and all... ;)